The 20 minute Splash

Photo by: Margaux

The water. Moving water has always been my inner element. With this I mean, that in moving water is where I find myself to be the most peaceful, the most myself.

A little special ritual that I have developed lately since I have a flowing river very nearby, is to go for a quick jump in the cool water. Sometime around midday, or when my mind gets blocked with many thoughts or bugged down is the perfect time.

This 20 minute splash allows for all my cells to return back to their peaceful, joyful nature and brings back the silence to my mind.

For years I have said that my own cure to all was a jump in the ocean and fresh fruit. I still hold to that, as the best way for me to heal. If it’s emotional, the ocean will certainly take care of it. If it’s the body manifesting the emotional, the ocean and some sweet fruit will remind my inner self where it needs to be.

May you enjoy your own inner ocean and flowing river in your life.
