Blank slate

The time has come
merely by nature
not by demand
to re-start with a blank slate.

The Universe is calling me
for a full blown change
get out of my comfort zone
it whispers
you can do this
just give it a try.

As I face inevitable changes
I also must face myself
and my willingness to stay
in an uncomfortable confort zone
perhaps, I don’t believe in my talents
no matter what I say
perhaps, I just let the chatter in my mind
take over and distract me from what is.

Nevertheless, situations come to light
that highlight what I need to work on
they highlight what I have been projecting
and must change.
As uncomfortable as these situations have been
I am grateful for them,
without them
I would have not been able to recognize
what I needed to change in myself.
I would have stayed stuck
believing that all was fine
that I had grown and overcome
and that things would magically become better
without me changing the only thing I could change…
my thoughts and beliefs about myself.

Now, with a fresh, blank slate
I start anew
not sure which way
or in which form
but certainly
the way to a healthier
fully autonomous life
of pure abundance
yes, In every form!
In the past
I have been able to manifest hundreds of things
but most of them in the form of barter,
I allow myself to manifest money, cash, all currencies
limitless amounts
because finally
I understand that money is energy
pure and simple
and I
just like all beings in the Universe
deserve unlimited abundance in ALL forms.

Choosing to value myself and my talents
is one way
having to put it writing
so I can see my worth and communicate it to others.

Choosing to place boundaries
with people that are not healthy for me
and letting them know that I will no longer
have contact with them
was a big step
instead of being passive aggressive
and ignoring them or blocking them on my phone,
I called them and told them that I was no longer going
to have contact with them.
While I was in this process,
a great friend and beautiful soul,
made me aware that not confronting
the person directly
even if on the phone
was not true liberation.
I needed to take my power
and voice what I wanted.
And so, I did.

For now
I choose to live very present
and to listen, truly listen
to my instincts
to my silent self
to hear what it tells me
and where it guides me.

May you find the guidance that you need at every turn, your inner guidance, and may you allow yourself to listen to it, even if it takes some practice.


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